Search cards use WQL, the Wagn Query Language. See syntax documentation.
*roles+*right+*content options
{"type":"role", "not":{"codename":["in","anyone","anyone_...
if is a tag+*right+*structure
Search : {"name": "_left",
"referred_to_by": {"right": "tag"},
"append": "tags sidebar",
"view": "content"
*to+*right+*content options
{ "right_plus":{"codename":"account"} }
*from+*right+*content options
{ "right_plus":{"codename":"account"} }
tags of cards referred to by this+*right+*structure
Search : {"referred_to_by": "_LL",
"sort": "by name",
"append": "tagem"
playmates+*right+*content options
{"type": "User"}
people who live in+*right+*structure
Search : /* replacing _left with _whole doesn't fail, but doesn't find what's wanted */
{"type": "User",
"plus": ["lives at", {"refer_to":
{"plus": ["city", {"match": "_left"} ] }
} ] }
if is an account+*right+*structure
Search : {"name": "_left",
"append": "account sidebar",
"view": "content"
non-blog cards tagged with+*right+*structure
Search : {"not": {"type": "Blog entry"},
"plus": ["tags", {"refer_to": "_left"} ]
blog entries tagged with+*right+*structure
Search : {"type": "Blog entry",
"plus": ["tags", {"refer_to": "_left"} ]
Search : {"referred_to_by": {"left": "_left", "right": "chirp"},
"append": "chirp display" }
*debugger+*self+*content options
*script+*right+*content options
{"type":["in", "JavaScript", "CoffeeScript"] }