What can i do to make life more wonderful? From the general to the specific...
My workplay is being a Cat herder & Process artist — contributing to our survival, thrival and evolution / culture shift via process arts toward more power-with ways of seeing, doing and being. So that we will make the most of individual and collective human capacity; people will be as free as possible given the needs of other people, the rest of the planet, etc.; we survive and thrive despite climate change, and avert its worst excesses; etc.
Self-awareness of the entire Process Arts (co-intelligence, evolutionary consciousness) movement, connecting its various networks, communities, perspectives and fields — everyone engaged in particular processes and this general culture shift anywhere in the world. In particular, strong bridges (better yet no apparent gap at all!) between geek & non-geek process artists, and individual & collective process artists.
Live, learn, and share Nonviolent Communication.
(parked goals)
(parked projects)
Also see:
Next actions are on paper, other actions are listed on relevant projects (see GTD)