What's the question?+content

So, I've had "me" as the top thing on my mind some, but it's kind of broad. What are the more specific topics or questions I would like to focus on? I don't have all of the questions I'd like yet, so that itself is one of the inquiries.


Another is how to stop doing (for more than, say, 24 hours) the life-avoidance thing in the all-consuming way I've often done. I generally prefer to focus on things to move toward rather than away from, but this feels right, though I'd also like some complementary questions that invite exploration in the positive direction.


How to have more trust? In support of that:

How to spend more time with people i love who love me?

How to be in my body more?

How to have a better sense of humor about myself?


Where to put my primary meaningful work attention?


How to make enough $ income?


That's actually more complete than I'd thought I could come up with so quickly, but I imagine there are still some good ones to come, and besides I can never pass up the opportunity to talk about recursion a bit — when you don't know what the question is, the question is, "What's the question?"