Group Works
The Group Works deck is a set of 91 cards, each one representing a pattern one sees in group dynamics. They are patterns that can help bring life to gatherings of any kind - meetings, conferences, social gatherings, etc. Thousands of people are using them to design events, to support their own or their group's learning about group process, and as a common language for comparing and contrasting a wide array of specific group processes (such as consensus, open space, world cafe).
See to learn more, or to get your own deck (they are $35 or free to download) or get involved in the project (the patterns continue to evolve).
I was deeply involved in developing this pattern language from the outset (before we even knew it would be published as a deck), supporting the project's initiator Tree Bressen in reflecting on how to approach such a project and being her strongest ally until a core group formed to carry it forward, building the website (using Wagn) that we used to develop the patterns, and participating in many of the content and process conversations among the community/network of the few dozen people who have emerged to carry this project as far as it has come.