Great March for Climate Action+how to support

Three+ ways you can help besides joining the march


1. Non-financial ways to help


2. Contribute toward my individual participation costs

There are a lot of things not covered by our collective fundraising which I cannot afford myself, so I'm also asking for personal contributions (not tax-deductible) of money or actual items I'll use on the march. Much gratitude to all of the people who have helped out so far:

  • A pair of sandals from Megan Kemple:
    Great March for Climate Action+sandals
  • The 4-5 additional pairs of shoes/sandals I will need are being supplied by Lorene Allen.
  • I'm borrowing a tent and sleeping bag respectively from my housemates Joel Durr and Tom Atlee.


Things I'm still looking for:

  • a nice wooden bowl for food
  • a refillable toothpaste tube (you too can make your own toothpaste)
  • proxabrush and extra bristles
  • wide-brim hat (to protect from the sun)
  • flip flops (or some kind of campshoes)
  • tea/coffee mug
  • $ for more sunscreen and other miscellaneous resupply
  • $1140+ for tech/connectivity needs. This will purchase a 32GB iPad Air mini ($630) with cellular data access ($360 = $40 x 9 months), and a keyboard ($70) - so that I can access and share (and develop) written/audio/video materials on climate crisis and what to do about it, take and post video and photos, do a weekly podcast, and take up the offer of a reporter at Eugene's ABC television station to air weekly video updates. Optional, but nice would be:
    • $80 battery extender
    • $? portable speakers
    • $? handheld microphone that plugs into iPad
  • ...other things I have not yet thought of?

If you would like to give any amount toward these things (or have any of these things which you'd like to give), contact me to arrange a donation.



3. Contribute toward my share of march expenses

The march organizers are asking each of us marching the whole way to raise $5,000 toward basic logistics: securing campsites, food, first aid, vehicles to transport these things, liability insurance, etc. (and as much as possible doing all of these things in ways that demonstrate low carbon footprint). I've raised about 20% of that (some pledges haven't been deposited yet). Click on the big donation box on this page to make an online tax-deductible donation toward my march logistics, or contact me to arrange an offline donation.




You can also express your support, make suggestions, or ask any questions you like here: