Eugene+Climate Action Plan+September 26 event

Tom's proposal, with comments from me, and some things that came up from several of us at today's meeting:



[Are the six topic events done the same way? Who is on the panel for them?]

An information room, or at least table. We let invited people/groups know in advance that this is available, and that they can put whatever materials they like there, and possibly let them sign up for a table where they can have someone available (at lunch?) to answer questions and engage people about their city department, project, non-profit or for-profit organization, etc.

[Make such material available online well before each event, including videos.]

[Suggest to Advisory Team members that they invite people in their network - especially for events in which they're not participating]

Make sure to invite a lot of process people, and remind them that good process is an important part of making the shifts we need to make (so that process ideas/actions become part of the content of the Community Climate & Energy Action Plan).

At 9:53 AM -0400 6/18/09, wrote:
Some version of the event model below could potentially serve both for the kick-off event and for the subsequent topic events.  Each would be framed as having two parts:  A scheduled morning session and an optional self-organizing afternoon session for those interested in deeper conversation and organizing collaborations.  The morning would start with a Panel that includes (or is) the Advisory Team:

Would this first panel be/include the Advisory Team, and if not, who? (I might suggest different people/groups where the panel is mentioned below, depending on the answer to this.)

9:30 am - Doors open and community arrives.

Something to set the tone, engage the heart/right-brain - words from youth/elder/etc., silence...

5-10 minute overview of the whole engagement process, and the day.
[how are people's input getting to the Advisory Team? including letting people know that Advisory Team and/or people close to them are in the mix to bring outcome]

10:00 - Take questions and concerns from audience.  Record on chart pad.

10:10 - Panel discusses questions and concerns that have been raised.

10:40 - World Cafe intro.  Groups of 3-5 people discuss assigned question, mixing into different groups in each round.  (A possible question could be "How could Eugene best engage the challenges of peak oil and climate change?")

Suggest "How could Eugene" -> "How do we" (wanting to include Springfield, River Rd., etc.)

Other possible questions:

"Assume that we've risen to the challenges of climate change. How are things happening differently five years from now?"
"What did we do from 2009-2014 that made the biggest difference?"
"What question if pursued would make big difference?"

10:45 - 1st round of World Cafe.  Panel join in as individual participants.

[new question each round?]

11:05 - 2nd round of World Cafe

11:25 - 3rd round of World Cafe

11:45 -  Panel speaks to what they learned during the cafe

I'd include the entire Advisory Team here (and introduce them as a group, if that didn't happen already).

12:10 -  Individual reflection on a new assigned question; write idea on card.  (Sample question:  "Given all the things people are doing or could do in Eugene, what is the best role the City can play in helping the community meet these challenges?")
More question possibilities;
"What can we do to meet the challenges of climate change - as individuals, and in our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, government bodies, non-profits, etc.?"
(to get non-city ideas as well)
Have the Advisory Team comes up with question(s)

12:15 -  Thirty-Five process: Five rounds each of which involves (a) fast exchange of cards for 15 seconds and (b) a 1-minute two-person deliberation to distribute 7 votes among a pair of cards.  The group then quickly identifies which ideas (cards) had the highest votes.

12:35 -  Panel speaks to what came up in the Thirty-Five process.  OR, if a study circle program has been carried out, the Panel can take new questions and concerns (in the same manner as initially) from those in the audience who have participated in the study circles.  The prospect of this exclusive engagement can be used in the preceding months to attract people to the study circles and to the event.

(((Might be a good place for a modified fishbowl, with an open chair so that anyone can join if they're burning with something valuable to offer - with the understanding that if someone fills the open chair, someone else will leave the circle so that there is still an open chair)))

1:00  -  Adjourn for lunch.  Ask people to fill out evaluation forms before they leave.

This is evaluation of the day's event itself, could include questions.

As part of the evaluation form (or separately if we want people to be able to give anonymous feedback), invite people's contact info (just email address?) for us to keep them updated on events, other major news. (And this is as much about inviting them to "enroll" as the more obvious reasons.)

Other ways for them to enroll? Several could be combined on a piece of paper they take home with them, with:

"What are you committing to do to help meet the challenges we face?" (((this could alternately be part of a small process we do together at the end)))

How to join/participate in the online tools (and a bit about them)

Overview of the engagement process, list of future events.


"Who else should be involved? Please invite them to the website, next event, etc.!"


2:30  -  Anyone who would like to participate in an Open Space (co-creating self-organized conference sessions) can return for that.

If the Open Space is open to people who didn't participate in the morning, then again start with setting the tone, and overview of the engagement process.

2:40 -  Introduce Open Space

2:50 -  Open the space = invite people to propose sessions they wish to host, which are then posted and reviewed by participants who then create their individual afternoon programs out of those sessions.

3:15  - 4:10  First OS session

4:15 - 5:10  Second OS session

5:15 - 5:30  Closing circle

Ask people to fill out evaluation forms before they leave.

(((Another idea for checkouts - all stand, someone speaks, everyone that speaks for sits down, repeat until all seated)))