Coming Down the West Coast Before the Climate March+content
The Great March for Climate Action begins in Los Angeles on March 1, and I am spending some time before then traveling up & down the west coast, seeing friends & family, and mobilizing more support for the march. I will be in the Bay Area for about a week, February 13-20. If you are there and would like to see me, contact me and hopefully we can work something out. (I'm leaving Seattle today, weather permitting, and will be in Portland and northern California over the next few days, which are mostly scheduled, but feel free to check with me if you're in those areas and we'll see what's possible.)
Update: There is a dinner benefit for the climate march from 6:30-9pm on Friday, February 21, at The Long Haul (3124 Shattuck Ave) in Berkeley.
Update: I'll also be leading a taste of Nonviolent Communication workshop, EssentiĀal Skills for Cooperative Living, 9am-1pm at the Long Haul, 3124 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley. You can sign up here.