There is a culture 'war' of sorts underway, has been for ~10,000 years or probably even longer. Okay, reality is much more complex and multi-layered than that, but let's start with this simple cardboard characterization...
(For starters, it's seen as a simple war only from the power-over perspective. Shifting paradigms is "only" the second-highest of Donella Meadows' leverage points anyway.)
Assumptions of power-with (Mary Parker Follett), aka partnership culture (Riane Eisler, Walter Wink), Leaver culture (Daniel Quinn), aka Keeper/Mender cultures (Shariff Abdullah), aka permaculture or any number of big picture framings (a few more are below):
Assumptions of power-over (Follett), aka domination culture (Eisler, Wink), Taker culture (Quinn), aka Breaker culture (Abdullah):
To be clear, i don't think that domination is wrong or bad. It's helpful to think of it as a brittle adaptation - see Domination is a sabertooth. Also, the image that we are in domination cultures that need to shift to partnership is overly simplistic - both pattern sets are in operation all of the time, and a big part of the shift is how we as individuals look at things. The process arts are the most hopeful movement i know of in both this personal shift and in the shift of collective stories & systems that we live in.
More on the third item in each list - that we can see human nature (or anything) as flawed is a combination of our existence as semi-separate egos (everything doesn't always work out as *i* would like...), and a testimony to the power of our imagination ( something must be flawed - you, me, etc.). This imagination is at the core of the human challenge; see Consciousness is our oxygen challenge. I've been pointed to but not read Matthew Fox's Original Blessing; also see this response:
This list started from my own thoughts, Ishmael, and Nonviolent Communication. It has evolved through conversations with many people, reading other books and experience in the process arts.
Particularly helpful was finding Walter Wink's list, p95 of EngagingThePowers, itself based on Richard B. Gregg's in The Power of Nonviolence, pp138-9 in the 2d ed., published by the Fellowship of Reconciliation 1962. Online bookstores seem to only have the 1960 1st ed. (ISBN 0227675673) and 1984 3rd ed. (ISBN 0934676704). This is not the more recent Zinn book.
See Sharif Abdullah's Creating a World That Works For All; and i really ought to read Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade.
Other lists to look at:
I see the process arts as one of the most hopeful building activities for power-with culture.
Also see nonviolence
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